Roundup Weed Killer Lawsuits

Roundup Weed Killer Lawsuits

Anyone who has used Monsanto’s Roundup Weed Killer and was later diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma or another form of cancer may be eligible to file a lawsuit. Call Toll Free 833-338-8230 or Direct 619-338-8230 to have a lawyer review your case.

Did you develop a form of cancer linked to glyphosate?

Roundup has been linked to a number of cancers. However, the most thoroughly researched link is the one between glyphosate and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. This blood cancer affects the lymph nodes and tissues, and sometimes even bone marrow.
Despite the fact that Roundup has been on the market since the 1970’s, there has been little to no government warning about the product for most of the time it has been sold. Despite a number of studies that show otherwise, the Monsanto reps continue to claim that their product is entirely safe with no need for legislative action or limiting the use of their product. For those who have worked with this product, they understand that their health problems are not entirely caused by random circumstances.

Is Roundup dangerous to humans?

Depending on who you ask, you will get two different answers to the question of whether or not Roundup is dangerous. If you read or talk to Monsanto, the company that makes this product, they will claim that there is no evidence that their product will cause any health problems as long as it is used correctly. Their claims say that independent studies that find otherwise are nothing more than junk science. However, you read those studies, you will see that careful reviews of the product, the use, and large test groups have shown that this chemical that is widely used on a lot of the food we eat is indeed dangerous.

Types of health problems related to Roundup

Studies have shown that Roundup can lead to a number of health problems including:   
• Autism
• Birth Defects
• Cancer
• Celiac Disease
• Chronic Kidney Disease
• Colitis
• Depression
• Diabetes
• Various Diseases
• Heart Disease
• Hypothyroidism
• Liver Disease
• Reproductive Problems
• And More
There are dozens of different health problems that are strongly correlated with those who have been heavily exposed to Roundup, or live in an area that see heavy Roundup use.
Brain Cancer: Cancer of the brain is a relatively uncommon form of cancer. However, there have been studies that show when one or both parents were exposed to Roundup during the 2 year period before a child’s birth the risk of being born with brain cancer is significantly higher.
Breast Cancer: There have been some studies that indicate exposure to glyphosate can lead to mammary tumors. These studies were on animals, but the conditions are right for a human to develop cancer after prolonged exposure.
Lung Cancer: In the US Roundup isn’t as heavily used as in other countries with fewer regulations. In South America, among the small farming communities, it has been found that cancers such as lung cancer, were 2 to 4 times higher than the national average.
Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer is more prevalent in communities with high use of Roundup.
Blood Cancer: Blood cancer is a generalized term for a variety of cancers that primarily affect the blood. These cancers include leukemia, and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

Roundup’s association with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, or NHL, is a type of cancer that begins in the lymph nodes. This type of cancer affects what are known as lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell. Basically speaking, when you come down with NHL, your body has trouble with its immune system. Those who have used, been around, or have been heavily exposed to Roundup are being diagnosed with this type of cancer much more often than those who haven’t been exposed. But the problem runs even deeper than once believed.
For several decades the controversy has been around the issue of how harmful glyphosate is to the human body. But recent studies suggest that it’s not just the active ingredient that is causing problems with people. There are many other chemicals that make up the compound Roundup. Many are listed as “inert” or having no effect. These inert ingredients are being shown to have very harmful effects on humans. If you have worked with Roundup extensively, then there is a good chance that your NHL was caused by your exposure to this dangerous weed killer manufactured by Monsanto. And that means you should not have to suffer in silence! You can file a lawsuit against Monsanto, and you may be entitled to significant compensation. You are not to blame for your blood cancer, so why should you have to suffer and pay high medical bills?
If you have worked with Roundup, and you have been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, then our Roundup attorneys want to speak with you. Call us today to speak with an attorney and find out if you have a case. Toll Free 833-338-8230 or Direct 619-338-8230.

How to tell if Roundup Weed Killer caused your cancer

Several studies have linked glyphosate, the chemical used in the popular weed killer Roundup, to cancer. However, finding out if Roundup exposure is what caused you to develop cancer can be tricky. How do you even begin to figure this out? Here are three questions you should ask to find out whether the weed killer played a role in your cancer diagnosis and if so, how you can go about getting the full amount of compensation you deserve.
Question 1: Were you exposed to Roundup weed killer?
Cancer risk increase with association to Roundup is cumulative. The more often you were exposed to glyphosate, the more you’re at risk. That means casual gardeners who used the chemical occasionally in their own yards probably won’t get cancer from using Roundup.
The people most at risk of developing cancer related to glyphosate are those who used the weed killer frequently, often as part of their jobs. Most of the victims currently pursuing cases against Roundup’s manufacturer, Monsanto, worked as:
• Farmers
• Landscapers
• Agriculture workers
• Professional gardeners
• Groundskeepers
• Pesticide and Herbicide applicators.
The nature of their jobs meant that they encountered glyphosate on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis, maybe for years. The greater your exposure to Roundup, the more likely it is that glyphosate caused your cancer, and the more important it is that you pursue a claim.
Question 2: Did you develop a form of cancer linked to glyphosate?
Roundup has been linked to a number of cancers. However, the most thoroughly researched link is the one between glyphosate and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. This blood cancer affects the lymph nodes and tissues, and sometimes even bone marrow. Some studies have suggested that frequent glyphosate exposure could double the risk of developing lymphoma within a decade.
Other forms of cancer associated with Roundup include cancers of the: roundup-lawsuites
• Bladder
• Brain
• Breast
• Colon
• Kidney
• Lung
• Prostate
• Rectum
• Skin
• Testicles
Because research into the glyphosate cancer link is ongoing, it’s a good idea for patients who have developed any form of cancer after chronic Roundup exposure to look into pursuing a claim.
Question 3: Has an attorney reviewed your claim?
If you answered yes to questions one and two, or if you have other reasons to suspect that glyphosate exposure caused your cancer, then it’s time to talk to a lawyer. Our lawyers who are familiar with products liability claims, can investigate and research the links between your symptoms and Monsanto’s Roundup. Our lawyers are experts in the field. They can review your claim and offer their opinions as evidence to help support your case. Call Toll Free 833-338-8230 or Direct 619-338-8230 to find out how.
