Traumatic Brain Injury Lawsuits

Toll Free 833-338-8230 or Direct 619-338-8230
Whether you're an athlete who has suffered a concussion or just someone with injuries, we can fight for you.
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Approximately 1.4 million individuals in the United States suffer traumatic brain injury every single year. A traumatic brain injury is usually diagnosed after a significant blow to the head that leads to severe to mild brain dysfunction and associated complications. Unfortunately, many individuals who are diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury will pass away as a result. If you or someone you know has suffered a brain injury, contact a brain injury lawyer at Injury Law Center immediately following an accident. Toll Free 833-338-8230 or Direct 619-338-8230.
Brain injuries are a real problem, nearly 50,000 individuals die every single year from injuries associated with a brain injury and a further 80,000 are left to cope with disabilities that will impact them for the remainder of their life. While these injuries might initially appear minor due to the fact that skull protects the brain, there are many other brain injuries that lead to critical medical care and hospitalization. Our brain injury lawyers have handled many claims throughout San Diego and are dedicated to making sure you receive fair compensation for your injury. Legal help for victims of brain injuries are some of the least well-understood and most complicated medical conditions out there. There are two primary categories used to classify brain injuries; penetrating or closed. There could be several deficits associated with the injury that your brain has sustained.
These include: Cognitive problems, Changes in personality, Loss of smell, and Hearing loss.
A brain injury can dramatically change the life of a patient who had normal function prior to the accident. It can be difficult for friends and family members to watch someone who was previously so healthy suffering the devastating impacts of a brain injury. Getting help from a knowledgeable brain injury attorney is strongly recommended for any individual who finds himself in this situation. While it is not always possible to get your life back to the way it was prior to the accident, an experienced attorney can help you evaluate the severity of your claim and determine your next steps. Having a lawyer who cares significantly about you and your future can be extremely beneficial in this situation and should not be overlooked. It can be a major adjustment for friend’s family and the victim to adjust to life after a critical accident. The only way you may be eligible to receive the appropriate treatment going forward and to recover as much as possible from this injury is to file a claim immediately. Common causes of brain injuries can occur as a result of any accident. Some accidents are more common than others.
These include: Being struck by an object, Work injuries, Assaults, Slip and Falls, Vehicle Accidents, and Hitting your head against a hard surface.
One of the most challenging aspects of a brain injury is that you might not notice the symptoms immediately. It can even be difficult for physicians in the hospital to diagnose a brain injury appropriately. Since this medical condition is still being studied in depth, it is not always easy for doctors to identify when someone has sustained a brain injury. It can even take weeks or months to properly diagnose the condition. Unfortunately, some victims are sent into a coma immediately which can generate its own set of problems. Every brain injury patient's life and situation will be unique. Outcomes can vary tremendously across the spectrum. This is part of what makes it difficult to adjust to life after the injury. In many cases, you may not be able to ever return to your job again. Consulting with a knowledgeable brain injury lawyer will help to make this difficult transition that much easier. Working with an experienced brain injury attorney who will fight hard for the compensation that you deserve can help to relieve stress and empower you to feel better about the future. Unfortunately, these accidents happen all too common and when they are the result of someone else's negligence they are completely preventable. Call for a Free Case Consultation Today Toll Free 833-338-8230 or Direct 619-338-8230.
The only thing that you can do to empower yourself is to work with a committed law firm. Our law firm only accepts cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning that we do not get paid unless we win. We work hard to advocate for your rights and the best options for you moving forward. Make sure you work with a law firm you trust. If you or someone you know has sustained a brain injury, call the brain injury lawyers at Injury Law Center today for a free consultation Toll Free 833-338-8230 or Direct 619-338-8230. Find out how our attorneys can help you.
